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Jan 24 2022

New Year resolution members gearing up for "normal" 2022

Written by TCN

TCN transforms unloved buildings into surprising places that help businesses thrive.

Last-minute working-from-home restrictions and new government guidelines… sounds familiar? 

For many businesses, adaptability is the new year resolution. Having worked through the ups and downs, turns and inside outs, government laws have significantly impacted business operations, output and staff morale. However, two years on, many companies now feel they’re prepared for the worst-case scenarios and can start planning for the future.  

Robert Hoadley, Managing Director of TCN states: “We have seen a positive increase in “grow on” spaces from our existing members, and many more new enquiries from prospects. Many companies have thrived through the use of digital channels, many of which our members operate in. I believe the trade-off between price and flexibility will become an increasing factor in negotiations over the next 12 months.”

Robert adds: “We’re much more confident in offering flexible spaces at our campuses whilst keeping the long-standing, familiar community which we strive for.” 


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