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Dec 20 2021

Goodbye 2021

Written by TCN

TCN transforms unloved buildings into surprising places that help businesses thrive.

For TCN, this year has taught us a lot, but reminded us of a few things too: 

The resilience and courage of people and companies.  

The power of communities and their ability to adapt and their ability to change. 

The strength of the TCN team, to support not only the members, but each other as well.  

The power of our Values at the heart of TCN.  

Humanness, care, thoughtfulness and kindness has resonated through our communities and warmed our souls. We have seen challenges being overcome, again and again, and the gratitude for helping members through such a difficult time.  

No one ever expected to start up a business and be faced with a once-in-a-lifetime crisis, yet many creative, online and tech companies have done just that and thrived. Industries in which many of our members operate. 

Across our campuses’, the gathering of neighbouring companies has formed communities of resilience. They’ve worked together and steered the course of how success is perceived. If this year has taught us one thing, it’s people need people more than ever. 2021 has opened up opportunities for the courageous and some have even grown in the midst of a crisis. We are so proud of our members successes through 2021, and to have been able to provide the creative environment that need to not only survive, but succeeded in such difficult times.  

We’re proud of our community and are excited for what the future holds for our members. 


What about TCN? 

We turned 15!  

Our ethos and values have weathered everything the pandemic has thrown at us. TCN support positive change, foster workplace creativity, spark innovation, inspire collaboration and encourage meaningful interactions through Passion, Courage, Challenge, Team and Respect. We are so proud of the TCN team for embracing those values and seeing them resonate in the community we see around us in our buildings. 

TCN has gained many new members (65 to be exact !) filling 49,000 sq ft of space across our campuses. We have bought a new 33,000 sq ft building in Bath, and have refurbished over 20,000 sq ft of workspace, with another 75,000 sq ft still undergoing regeneration. Our team has seen 9 new members, with the amazing Sarita (Assay Studios Campus Manager), super Karen (Temple Studios Campus Manager), quirky Kyle (Piano House Building Supervisor), lovely Melissa (our new Dog House Campus Host), Rosie (our awesome Asset Manager), Gemma (our first-class Head of Facilities), and miracle-worker Paul (our new Head of Finance). We have seen our extraordinary Charlotte be promoted to Campus Manager (Nest@Mallard), and our superhuman Robert promoted to Managing Director!  

We have made the decision (quite a large one!) to manage all of our properties ourselves, with Paul, Sue and Michael working hard to get the finance side of life up and running smoothly, Pippa and Rosie taking on all the property matters, and the teams on site doing such a great job of keeping things running fluently, despite the weather, and covid being thrown at them.  

Our TCN Together initiatives have blossomed. We have raised over £9,500 for local charities this year and donated more than £15,000 towards good causes such as Batten Disease Family Association, New Beginnings Homeless Charity, Mandalay Wellbeing CIC, Let’s Feed Brum, Birmingham City Mission, and Bridgwater Hospital to name a few. Our team, community and members help deliver our vision of being the UK’s favourite workplace provider and we want to thank you all for your support. It’s been a year to remember! 


So what does TCN forecast for 2022?  

Goals for next year: continue operational excellence, encourage new collaborations, partnerships and opportunities, offer more community benefits, accelerate membership growth, support frictionless trade, keep excelling staff happiness, discover new TCN Together good cause initiatives, ensure a strong community, and most of all, staying personal.  


Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a fruitful new year, 


From all of us at TCN

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